Parents reflect on seeing their seniors finish their last year of high school
Senior Charlie Hansen with mom Mrs. Megan Hansen, a junior high Spanish teacher at BSM.
May 19, 2021
As the month of May is already here, this is considered a pivotal time for seniors as they all start to move on to bigger things in their lives. A group of people who this is not nearly as fun for is the parents of these seniors kids who are starting to graduate and move out of the house.
Ms. Jessica Frattalone was one of these senior parents who didn’t seem too excited about her son Charlie graduating. “I am very happy that Charlie has made it to this stage of his life, it is truly a great accomplishment for him. But being that he is the first kid to leave my house, it’s hard but I am sure that we will still be in constant communication and I will probably be annoying him every day,” Frattalone said.
Ms. Kimberly Callahan, the parent of James, has already had a couple of kids leave the house so this time is probably going to be a little bit easier. The difference is James isn’t going to college next year and is going to juniors for hockey instead, it is bound to present some new obstacles. “This isn’t me or my husband’s first rodeo, so hopefully it will be easier this time than it was the first couple of times, but we are excited since he is playing juniors this year we will still get to go down, see him, and watch some of his games,” Callahan said.
Mr. Jim Dowden’s son Matthew is also headed off to college next year, where he will play lacrosse. “He has worked very hard for this opportunity, and I am thrilled that he has made it to this level. I’m sad he is leaving, but I am proud and confident that what my son has learned and achieved during his years at Benilde-St. Margaret’s will translate into success in college and beyond,” Dowden said.
Ms. Megan Hansen, Spanish teacher at Benilde St. Margaret’s and proud parent of senior student Charlie Hansen has some things to say about her student leaving Benilde and moving onto the next phase of his life. “I feel excited for my senior to be leaving the house because he will experience many new things, from doing his own laundry and putting his own socks right-side-out, to meeting new friends and seeing new places. I think us parents would love to relive a little bit of college life,” Hansen said.