What next year should look like
Students are tired of online school.
This past school year hasn’t been the best year; the schedules have been very different with no school gatherings.
I think by the 2021-2022 school year students will be welcome back to campus full time. I know of schools that are much bigger that are open right now. I think as long as students stay distanced and wear their masks students should be able to be welcomed back full time.
Teachers can teach better if we are all in person; they don’t have to spend so much time dealing with zoom and can do more activities if everyone is at school. They also wouldn’t have to worry about students staying home to cheat. Teachers have to try extra hard to try and keep the students online concentrated which makes their lives a lot harder.
I also think that as long as students keep being safe while doing their sports we will still be able to continue to play and participate in them. Hopefully COVID will keep getting better so by next year some of the restrictions in sports will be lifted.
If everything goes as planned the hope is that teenagers will be able to get vaccinated late summer. If students get vaccinated it will make going back to school much easier. Hopefully the majority of the students and staff will be vaccinated and we will be able to participate in more activities.
I’m hoping that next year we will have our lockers back and classes are back to normal. I prefer having eight classes at once because you have more time to learn information in classes and have more time to work on your grades. I’m also hoping that we will be able to have homecoming, prom, football games, and pep fests. It’s one of the most exciting times during the school year.
Now that BSM has good technology I think being virtual will still be an option. Before COVID you would have to go to school when you felt sick or was sick. Now that BSM has this technology after COVID they might still be able to use it when students are sick or gone, but this might be difficult for teachers to manage.