BSM Sports Seasons Cut Short Due to COVID-19
Courtesy of Benilde-St. Margaret’s Official Instagram
BSM’s volleyball team poses for a COVID-safe team photo before the early end of the season.
December 3, 2020
Due to COVID-19, both BSM’s volleyball and football teams had to deal with delays and an early ending to their seasons on November 21. The delay had both teams have a shorter schedule than they are used to in the past years. Also, neither team was able to play in their Section Tournament due to the early ending of the season.
The volleyball team missed out on many opportunities before and during the season. “Due to the delay, we missed out on our annual weekend Marshall tournament in September, where we would play in Marshall against other metro schools, along with missing several over the summer scrimmages,” senior captain Josie King said.
The delayed start to the season made it harder for both teams to transition into their first couple of games. Before the teams’ first games, they had to get back into shape after a few weeks of no practice and no time spent together to build chemistry. “First off, the conditioning aspect. I had been doing fast [workouts] all summer and [stopping] because of the postponement made the first few weeks of the season really tough, trying to get back in shape again. The postponement really threw everything off. We had been starting to get in the swing of practice and then had to just quit for a while. It made it tough for our momentum to continue in practice and then translate to our games,” junior Daniel Porisch said.
For the BSM football team, the ending of the season was a little bit different from volleyball’s. The football team ended their season at 3-3 and was getting prepared for sections, which they believed they had a good chance at winning. When getting prepared for their playoff run, they heard the news that they were no longer going to be having section playoffs, but they were still able to play one last game against Mound Westonka to wrap up their season. “Personally, I am really mad. I think that the season-ending early is terrible. First off, we don’t get to play Holy Angels again and get our revenge, and we are short one less game because of Minneapolis South. I really wanted to go from our big win against Cooper and keep the momentum going through South and then [beat] Holy Angels,” Porisch said.
The volleyball team was also getting prepared for their upcoming playoffs with only two regular season games left, but they will never get to know what the rest of the season had in store for them. “I am grateful we were able to have somewhat of a season this year. Also without having to quarantine while most other teams had to do so. It was sad to hear that our last two games were cut short, but we were very fortunate to even have a season in the first place,” King said.