BSM to restart all-school Masses
In non-covid times students would gather in the chapel.
BSM plans to start up all-school Masses in early December as students continue to adjust to a school year with many restrictions.
With there being many ups and downs through the first quarter of school, a touch of normalcy will return when all school Masses begin on December 8. For Campus Minister Mike Jeremiah, it has been tough not having all-school Mass. “I miss having the chance for all of us to be together in the Great Hall,” Jeremiah said.
It has also been hard for students to adjust to not having all-school masses. “Mass is a part of the BSM experience, especially as seniors. I’m glad that we have found a way to make it happen because it feels like something we have missed out on so far this year,” senior Ethan Tureson said.
As there are many guidelines to keep students safe, Jeremiah has laid out a set of plans so that the students can get the most out of the Mass, while still being safe. The plan is to have the Mass be streamed to all of the classrooms from the Great Hall. Since Mass is a very special part of the senior experience at BSM, all seniors will be spaced out in the Great Hall while the rest of the school is tuned into the stream from each classroom. The masses will carry out as normal, except the eucharist will be distributed to the individual classrooms by Eucharistic Ministers at the end of Mass.
Jeremiah hopes to have Mass on December 8th to celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, as well as another on December 17 for the closing Advent Mass. Jeremiah plans on having more Masses later in the year but it’s too far out to tell. “We will do whatever we can to make something good happen,” Jeremiah said.
These are unprecedented times, but for Jeremiah, Mass can be an important part of how we navigate our reality. “[I want] to make this special for everybody…and [have] something that people will remember.”
Many people in the BSM community, including Jeremiah, hope that we can continue the year without having to go all virtual. “[If school were to go online] we will still continue the masses as normal,”Jeremiah said.