Coming into school provides for better learning environment than online learning
Cohort 2 students walk out of school at the end of their block day. Tomorrow they will be learning from home.
November 5, 2020
Despite the concerns of COVID and the current craziness in the world, school is still a priority to everyone. This causes schools to adapt, and from-home virtual Zoom calls are their way of doing so. Many schools have chosen to give students the option to either come into school for half of the week and stay virtual the other half, or to go completely virtual.
This has presented some students with a tough decision; they want to see their friends, but also are concerned with contracting COVID-19. I chose to go to school for half the week, as I thought BSM did a good job with social distancing and taking measures to keep COVID contained.
This creates a much different school year than what we have seen in the past. Some students may find it difficult, and some may find it easy. I personally enjoy that we are still able to come and see our friends while maintaining a distance, as well as learning from home the other half of the week.
I like being able to come into school. I think it’s a blessing that so many teachers are coming in to teach students, and I feel especially lucky to have a senior year. In this crazy time, I am very happy we’ve found a way to come in and still experience a somewhat normal school year. I am bummed we aren’t able to have a normal senior year, so I think that may be my bias, as I have an appreciation of being able to come in and see my friends and teachers.
I also prefer coming into school because I find it much harder to pay attention while at home during the block periods. I find that there are many more distractions at the palm of my hand while at home. At school, most of these distractions are taken care of, as we can’t use our phones during class, nor can we have your computer open unless instructed. On Zoom, however, you must have your computer open at all times. This means students have to stay on one tab the entire class period, which I know myself as well as many others find it a little difficult to keep their attention focused on class.
Additionally, in class, I find it much easier to interact with teachers, as well as my classmates, while learning. I personally find it very helpful to my learning experience when I can easily ask a question or have a conversation with people I see in class. I usually am able to be much more engaged when I can be in the actual class.
I know some students prefer online learning because they can learn in the comfort of their home and some find that very helpful. This way they can be more focused on learning rather than what might be going on in the classroom. I personally don’t prefer learning in my room, as I feel more comfortable learning in a classroom.
Though it is a different year, many students have been able to take advantage of their situation; whether it is from home or in school. I see how learning from home has its advantages and how it is helpful to learn over Zoom. I personally prefer inside the classroom, as I can see my friends, still keeping a distance, as well as I find it easier to pay attention.