Marketing department creates holiday video
Student council participates in cookie eating contest for the video.
December 20, 2019
The Benilde-St. Margaret’s Marketing and Communication Team has been working hard this holiday season on creating BSM’s second annual Christmas music video. This video showcases the students and faculty of BSM as they celebrate the community of BSM as well as the upcoming holidays.
The marketing department hopes to make this a holiday tradition that continues in the years to come. “The goal of the video is to showcase our amazing school community, to build community, and spread Christmas cheer, of course,” the BSM Director of Marketing and Communications Megan Peterson said.
Along with Peterson, Eden Garmen, the Marketing and Communications Specialist at BSM, has also helped in this video process. These two have taken this project and worked hard to bring it to life. Behind the scenes, Peterson and Garmen planned and produced the video, filming about 90% of it themselves. “This year, we have taken a new approach to the video and have asked administration, faculty, staff, and students to act out various parts of the popular poem, ‘The Night Before Christmas.’ Of course, our interpretation isn’t complete without a Red Knight pun, so our video is appropriately titled “The Knight Before Christmas,” Ms. Peterson said.
This video highlights a variety of different clubs, sports teams, and classes that BSM has to offer. It also features many different faculty and staff groups who volunteered their clubs, teams, and classes for various parts of the video. “In the video, we feature more than 30 groups of Red Knights who bring the lines to life through their creative and fun ideas. What makes this video particularly unique is the wide variety of clubs, teams, and groups who contributed and the different BSM locations our Red Knights are featured,” Peterson said.
The Marketing and Communications Team plan to play the video at the December mass so that everyone who contributed will be able to see the final product and their impact on this project. “We plan to play the video at our all-school mass, so all involved will be able to see how their clip fits into the greater story and how each individual is important to the BSM community. We plan to launch the video publicly shortly after,” the Marketing and Communications Department said.
Peterson and Garmen hope that all Red Knights will help them in sharing this video with their friends and family so that everyone can see the community BSM has built. “We’d like to thank everyone who participated and encourage our Red Knight community to share the video on social media after we launch on Friday, December 20. We’d also like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year,” the Marketing and Communications Department said.