Students take advantage of MEA break to travel and relax
Education Minnesota Logo, Fair Use
Teachers across the state of Minnesota have the opportunity to attend conferences sponsored by Education Minnesota on Thursday and Friday of this week. Therefore, students will be taking the long weekend travel and relax.
October 16, 2019
MEA (Minnesota Educator Academy) break is an annual two-day day break away from school in the middle of October to provide teachers time to attend the annual MEA conference. This year, BSM students also get a five-and-a-half-day weekend because of Wednesday’s testing and Monday’s teacher workshops.
Though teachers usually attend the conference, which this year is being held at the St. Paul River Centre, students travel for this break or stay home. Usually, they use this time to go on college visits, travel for weddings or just go on a quick family getaway.
For the football team, however, travel will be out of the question since they will be getting ready for playoffs. “The team will be getting ready for their first playoff game over MEA,” senior football captain Joe Marinaro said.
Some students travel far and wide for MEA break. “I am going back to my homeland and see my old friends,” junior Asher Connolly, who is from San Francisco, said.
Other students have family events they are attending. Sophomore Teddy Madden will be going to LA for his cousin’s wedding, and sophomore Sophie Delgado will be taking a weekend-long trip with her mom to New York City “I am excited to spend time with my mom and see the city because I have never been there,” Delgado said.
For many seniors, MEA is a time to check out potential colleges they hope to attend next year. Some might look at schools in the midwest or others might look at schools from coast to coast. Senior Josh Mahoney will be going up to Duluth and visiting UMD over the weekend. Another senior, Andie Jia, will be going to both Wisconsin, Madison and Colorado, Boulder, “I want to see the school spirit at both of the schools,” Jia said.
Senior Grace Melin will be going to Wheaton, Illinois to visit her brother at Wheaton University. “I am excited to stay in my brother’s girlfriend’s house,” Melin said.
While some students may be traveling great distances, others value the opportunity to just relax close to home. “I am really excited for ATVing and a little fishing here and there,” senior Cole Hendrickson said.