Students participate in rowing outside of BSM
Despite the lack of a BSM rowing team, students with a passion for the sport have found a way to participate. With practices six days a week, sometimes twice a day, the sport requires commitment from the rowers.
May 8, 2018
Almost every BSM student participates in a school activity, yet for a small group of students at BSM, their sport isn’t offered. Rowing is a very uncommon sport, with fewer than 10 student rowers in the high school.
Yet, for those who participate, they take it very seriously. “It’s an amazing sport, and I love it. But, it’s a very hard to get into because it does require so much commitment and work. But it’s just so fun that you learn to get through the pain and you learn to love it,” sophomore Rebecca Twite said.
The idea of rowing is quite simple, however, it’s easier said than done.“Rowing is basically moving a boat, or racing shell, on water by using oars. And by pushing against the water with an oar, the force generated moves the boat,” Twite said.
Rowing requires lots of dedication and effort from its athletes because it is a physical sport. “It’s a lot of workouts, core workouts, strength workouts. But when you get on the water it’s so rewarding,” Twite said.
Rowers have practice 6 days a week, and sometimes twice in one day. “There are twenty minute core workouts everyday, and then we’ll do an hour and a half of either warming up and rowing on the rowing machines or doing weight workouts. But then when it’s warm enough to be on the water we’ll do a mile and a half run before we actually begin to row,” Twite said.
Rowing takes a physical toll on every rower, and if one doesn’t row with the correct posture, they may risk breaking their back. “The form itself if very complex. You could be a great athlete and it would take you a very long time to get good form in a boat. And without good form you may risk physical therapy because of your posture and form while rowing,” Sarah Frenz, a BSM junior who rows, said.
Rowing is an all weather sport, but not in the way one might think. “You never know what to expect while rowing. The weather has a huge impact on rowing. Sometimes there will be whitecaps, and usually you would avoid rowing in those. But at regattas, the races, if there are whitecaps the regatta will not be cancelled. So you are taught that adapting is key,” Frenz said.
Though rowing is not the most common sport, those who suffer through the weather, practices, and physical toll have nothing but admiration for it. “Rowing is such an uncommon sport because it takes such a unique person to be able to truly succeed at it. But no matter how long it takes to perfect this sport every moment is worth it,” Twite said.