Scholastic Book Fair gives students the opportunity to purchase books and support the school
BSM’s Scholastic Book Fair allowed students the opportunity to find new books to read and buy. The fair took place on Thursday, April 12 and Friday, April 13.
April 13, 2018
Half-forgotten memories of the bygone days of elementary school came flooding back through the halls of BSM. For two days in a row, the Scholastic Book Fair returned to the lives of BSM students.
On the first day, Thursday, April 12, the Book Fair was held in the Library Conference Room. The swiveling chairs and tables were replaced with familiar walls of books and displays from 9 AM to 4 PM.
Today, Friday, April 13, the books moved to the wrestling room deep in the Haben; the event will last from 7:30 AM to 6 PM.
The library’s small wall space was entirely occupied with walls of books, yellow and red stands proudly declaring various fandoms, series, authors, franchises, and novelized games and TV shows. Some students 7th through 11th grade felt right at home among Harry Potter, The Legend of Zelda, cookbooks, and various Young Adult novels. “A lot of students are used to [the book fair] from their elementary school, and we were hoping to build off that excitement and bring that here and make sure they know that books are available to them,” BSM Librarian Ms. Laura Sylvester said.
A large Spanish language section was also prominently featured. The notice that usually tells students to ask for permission before using the conference room was removed, and students were free to visit at all times. In addition, 55% of proceeds will go directly back to BSM.
Editor’s Note: The story was originally published with factual errors and an incorrect quote. A new interview was conducted by Kailyn Pedersen, A&E Editor.