BSM’s a cappella group performed at ICHSA
The Red Knotes held a practice performance on Friday, February 9.
February 16, 2018
The Red Knotes, BSM’s own a capella group, competed at the ICHSA Midwest Quarterfinal Competition in Osseo, Wisconsin, with hopes to advance to the Semifinals in Illinois. The competition was Saturday, February 3. The team spent months preparing a twelve-minute set, combining melodies with choreography.
The Red Knotes are led by music teacher Mr. Adam Petroski and eight seniors. “The team’s goal is to grow musically and as a family through this process. Although it is a competition, we really like to think of it as a chance to see other groups like us preform,” Petroski said.
Both these past two years, the team has come in fourth place, narrowly missing their chance to advance on to the semifinals. “This year, we [were] more determined than ever to move on to the next round,” senior Brielle Baker said.
The team practices before school at 7am, which seems to be the most difficult part of the Red Knotes, according to the members. The Red Knotes are hoping to see their hours of practice and hard work pay off at Quarterfinals.
Outside of the ICHSA Competition, the Red Knotes have had several unique opportunities this year. “The Red Knotes have had multiple gigs including singing at community fundraisers, a corporate event in SLP with local politicians and the National Anthem at a Minnesota Timberwolves game,” Petroski said.
Being able to participate in events such as these make the hours of practice worth it, members say. “Singing at the Timberwolves game was a very cool experience, it’s things like this that make a capella aca-awesome,” Smithmier said.