BSM tells how to respond to bullying
Because bullying is prevalent in high school, the BSM administration works to combat the problem and provide support for victims.
Bullying is a real issue.
BSM believes in providing an uplifting environment for students, free of bullying or any type of harassment. This is enforced by teachers, admissions, and fellow peers, and bully hotline signs decorate the school hallways to remind students that no one is alone.
It is important as a school to stick together, not bring each other down. Bullying is an act of hate, which is not acceptable at BSM. “Prevention is better than care. We try to create a culture of love and acceptance and respect for each other and I think that being a faith based school, we have an upper hand in that because we can always lean back on our faith as the one thing that kind of unites us as a school,” Assistant Principal Mr. Seborn Yancy said.
Bullying can come in a variety of forms, whether that be online, in person, or through others. Due to the popularity of social media, bullying has become easier. Sites like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook can be exciting and entertaining, though comments and messaging can have elements of evil. Steps can be taken in order to end this type of harassment. “If it is something like cyber bullying, then I think not responding to the person is important and also blocking that person from whatever social media site that was going on. Keeping evidence always helps, take a screenshot so that way once it is reported we do have that evidence available,” Yancy said.
Teachers’ number one priority at school is their students well-being. It is not only their job to teach academics but also to be there for their students. Many teachers openly tell their students to feel free to confide in them with difficulties in school, especially when bullying is involved. “Always tell someone, I think that is the biggest thing: you could use our bully hotline, you could tell a trusted adult on campus or you could tell a friend, I think it is really important that we tell someone,” Yancy said.
There is no specific way to handle bullying because every case is different, though students need to know someone is constantly available for them. BSM teachers encourage student leaders to help and foster a supportive community and a positive environment in order to prevent bullying. “If you are the one being bullied or if you are the one witnessing it, the best thing would be to say ‘stop’ and remove yourself from the situation,” Yancy said.
If you need help, call the Bully Hotline at 952-679-8072