Creative Writing Club promotes writing outside the classroom
Creative Writing Club meets every Monday morning.
November 10, 2017
BSM is introducing a new club this year, designed to help encourage students who are interested in writing more than just what’s required by their English classes. Seniors Kylie Nevells, Henry Bird, and Anna Lilienthal started the Creative Writing Club to act as a platform for enthusiasm and passion for writing.
Last spring, the founders of the club met with English teacher Ms. Kaia Preus and Athletic Director Mr. Jerry Pettinger about their desire for an organized activity that focuses solely on expressing themselves through their writing. Both Nevells and Lilienthal were disappointed that they weren’t able to take the Creative Writing class due to conflicts in their schedule, so they teamed up with Bird and Preus to create a club that could stand in its place. “We still really wanted to be able to meet with a group of people that were just as interested in the subject as we are,” Lilienthal said.
The Creative Writing Club currently meets every Monday and each meeting is focused on sharing each others’ work. “Right now we don’t really have a defined format for the club; we really just focus on bouncing ideas off of each other and listening to each other’s writing,” Nevells said.
Although the club is very new and still in the molding stages of its existence, the founders are excited about the already high interest levels that they’ve seen after their first meeting, and they’re optimistic about the future of the club. “We really hope it continues on next year. We were surprised at how many people came to the first meeting, and we’d love it if some of the younger students carried on the club after we leave,” Nevells said.
Preus is also very excited about the club, and the initiative the students in it are taking. “I am super jazzed that kids love writing, and they want to help each other make their writing better!” Preus said.
Her role is largely supporting the students and giving them advice when they need it. “I am there to support the brilliant minds of the students who are interested in creative writing,” Preus said.