Freshtival 2017!

Emily Platt

Kaitlyn McTigue, Staff Writer

Every fall, the freshman are invited to the “Freshtival,” an event at BSM led by Link Crew leaders. This event is a chance for the students to spent time with their classmates as well as participate in a community service project.

This year, just like past years, the freshman class piled into cars, and went door to door to nearby neighborhoods. They collected food items for Prism, a food shelf that works to help families with financial struggles get basic necessities.This experience gave the students the opportunity to serve the community and take part in their first service project of the year for their religion classes.

Once the students return from the food drive and finish unloading the cars, they packed into the Haben for a night of fun and games organized by the Link Crew leaders. “The freshtival is the celebration after the hard work of the food drive,” Campus Minister, Ms. Becca Meagher said.

During the event, the students get a chance to know each other and a time to connect with their Link Crew leaders. Some of the activities included basketball, dodgeball, and bouncy houses. “I enjoyed the bouncy houses because it was fun to race my friends,” freshman Skya Favor said.

This year, the food drive was a success by collecting 4,839 pounds of food and many freshmen seemed to enjoy a night of fun and games with their classmates. “It was a good amount of time and overall fun night with my friends, freshman Ali Voss said.