Cast and crew of The Drowsy Chaperone receive 17 Spotlight Awards
Photo courtesy of Caroline Stroh
Junior Josie Ross, one of this year’s Outstanding Award winners, boastfully sings her solo.
June 10, 2016
The 2016 spring musical, “The Drowsy Chaperone,” won several Spotlight Awards from the Spotlight Education Program, which is run by the Hennepin Theatre Trust. The production earned five Outstanding Awards and twelve Honorable Mention Awards. In addition to these awards, one student received a Technical Leadership nomination and three students received an Evaluator Shout-Out.
In order to qualify for an Outstanding Award, two or more of the evaluators must nominate the production or the performer for an Outstanding Award. This year, the cast of “The Drowsy Chaperone” received an award for Overall Outstanding Performance. This award was given based on the quality of the show overall and isn’t based on a specific cast member. Also, three cast members received awards for Outstanding Performance in a Leading Role. The cast members who received this award were juniors Josie Ross and Leo Driessen, along with senior Frankie Gormley. In addition, the crew also received an Outstanding for Overall Technical Team, which recognizes anyone involved with lights, sounds, and stage managing.
To get an Honorable Mention, the production or individual must receive either one Outstanding and one Honorable Mention nomination, or two Honorable Mention nominations. The cast and crew received an Honorable Mention for Overall Production, which is meant to award all aspects in the production. They also received an Honorable Mention in Ensemble Performance, Vocal Performance by an Ensemble, Acting Performance by an Ensemble, Movement/Dance Performance by an Ensemble, Technical Crew, Costume Crew, and A/V Board.
There were also four Honorable Mentions awarded to specific cast members. Honorable Mentions in a Leading Role was awarded to sophomore Maddie Schafer and junior Carson Knoer. In addition to his Honorable Mention, Knoer has also made it into the top ten for the Triple Threat Award. Juniors Ty Hansen and Maddie Turk each received an Honorable Mention in a Supporting Role and Featured Role respectively.
Along with the Outstanding and Honorable Mention Awards, a few other cast and crew members received special recognition. Junior Elyse Vandersteen was given a Technical Leadership Award, and seniors Grace Kitzenberg and Joe Busch, along with freshman Maya Argenta all received an Evaluator Shout Out, which is meant to give recognition for standout work within the show.
Because the production received an Outstanding for Overall Performance, the cast will get to perform at the Spotlight Showcase on June 12. The cast is very excited to perform, and they are thankful for all the recognition the show has received. “Everyone fit their roles perfectly and played them very well. No one felt as if they were just a chorus member, there were specific moments in the spotlight for everyone in the cast, and that made everyone want to succeed,” cast member Josie Ross said.