Girls’ golf looks to succeed with roster overhaul
Junior Maggie Sullivan sets up to sink a putt during a recent practice.
Spring is in full force and girls’ golf is on its way in full throttle. Although varsity and JV players won’t be decided until mid April, there’s a lot of preparation the team is putting in now to ensure they’re ready for the 2016 season. With a great loss of varsity members this season, the squad is looking to improve individually and grow together as a team.
Girls’ golf has been training hard the past couple of months in the preseason to work the rust off their clubs. Returning and new golf players dedicate themselves every Thursday night to team training at Braemar Golf Dome in Edina. “Everyone comes and the girls just play to get in the swing of things – no pun intended – there are no coaches involved, it’s just players,” senior Allison O’Neil said.
Compared to previous years, returning players feel that there is a greater potential for the creation of a closer team dynamic. In the past few years, the majority of the six varsity players chosen for varsity meets have been the same players time and time again. “This year we lost a lot of talent, and that is a great loss we have to overcome. There’s going to be more fluidity this year regarding the players picked to play in varsity meets, and I think that takes a lot of pressure off of players’ shoulders and it allows us to come together as a team easier,” junior Gracey Scott said.
There are other goals that the team wants to meet. With an almost entirely new varsity team this year, the golf girls not only want to improve individually, but really focus on playing in unison. When the girls play together, their attitude and play reflects on other players. “It’s really important that in an individual sport like golf, that you not only focus on improving individually, but as a team. We want to play the best game we can, but we want to have fun with it as well,” O’Neil said.
Losing five varsity seniors for the 2016 season is going to make an impact on BSM’s girls’ golf team, but leaders on the team are making sure it doesn’t tinker with the team dynamic. There’s a lot of potential for girls’ golf to obtain the low scores they held in the past, and exploit new talent that will be the future of BSM girls’ golf.