Community choir to host first annual Christmas concert
Choir leader Mr. Adam Petroski prepares the community choir for the concert.
December 13, 2015
The first ever Community Choir concert will take place to celebrate Christmas, featuring such household names as campus minister Mr. Mike Jeremiah and choir teacher and leader of the Community Choir, Ms. Nancy Stockhaus, who will be conducting and playing piano. “About two thirds of the music [we will sing] is Christmas [music], and then we have some others like ‘Bridge over Troubled Water’ and some non-Christmas music,” Stockhaus said.
Featuring around 35 members of BSM staff, faculty, parents, and alumni, this choir was formed in the fall of this year, and rehearsals began in September. “It’s just a good time to get together with people, to see alums that I haven’t seen for quite a while and have a fun night,” Jeremiah said.
The concert will also feature a charity event. “We’re doing a coat and mitten drive and a free will offering for some students who can’t afford to go on our [school] choir trip [to Chicago],” Stockhaus said. The coat and mitten drive will benefit at-risk students in the Minneapolis areas who are taught by two members of the choir.
The concert will take place on December 14 at 7pm in the chapel.