BSM Destination Imagination team moves on to state competition

Marley Rozman

BSM’s Destination Imagination team Fire and Ice has been so successful in their competitions, which include challenges in drama and engineering, that they are moving on to the state competitions.

The slightly unknown extracurricular, Destination Imagination, has been gaining attention and success while they enter the world of competitions. Destination Imagination, led by Ms. Kirsten Hoogenakker, an engineering teacher, is a extracurricular that uses both engineering and the arts to promote creative problem solving. “The best part of the program is how it blends visual arts and drama with science and technology” Hoogenakker said.

There are two parts to each competition. First the students perform an 8 minute skit, they chose between 6 different challenges, written solely by the students, no adult help is allowed. Then there is the Instant Challenge portion. “For this portion of the competition they privately enter the top-secret Instant Challenge room where they are presented with either a performance or technological challenge to solve in a couple minutes. Sometimes this is building a bridge out of common materials, sometimes it is creating a mystery skit,” Hoogenakker said.

The regional competition was over the weekend on Saturday 21, at Maple Grove Senior High. The BSM team Fire and Ice will be moving on to the next round, which is the state competition. “The state competition is on April 11 in Champlin/Brooklyn Park, and Globals will be sometime in May in Tennessee” said Hoogenakker.