Dr. Bob Tift helps to develop new charity, Crescent Cove

Since leaving BSM, Dr. Tift has used his talent for leadership to help develop Crescent Cove, a charity which hopes to create a hospice home for children in the Midwest.

Molly Flannery

While the organization currently consists of only a small office in St. Louis Park, Crescent Cove has plans to positively impact the lives of families and children in need of hospice care by creating the first hospice home for children in the Midwest.

The beginning of each new school year marks many changes for students at BSM. New classes, new teachers, and one year closer to graduation. This year has been no exception. However, an even bigger change occurred at BSM this year. Dr. Bob Tift, who worked at BSM for 22 years and was president for 12, moved on to pursue other goals. In fact, Tift has taken up a new mission, working as president of an organization called Crescent Cove.

Crescent Cove, a new non-profit organization, works to give families of ill children an opportunity for hospice care.
“Crescent Cove is committed to providing care and support to children with shortened life expectancies and their families. Our plan is to help families access services, advocate for hospice and respite care for children, and help build the first hospice home for children in the Midwest,” Tift said.

There are many noticeable differences between the work that Tift is doing with Crescent Cove and the work that he did at BSM. At BSM, Tift was surrounded by faculty, staff, and students as he worked to improve the BSM community. At Crescent Cove, Tift is one of two people who work in an office, the other being the founder of the organization.

However, one similarity between these two organizations lies in their missions. Similar to BSM, Crescent Cove works towards the betterment of the lives of children.

“Both organizations have a mission of working with children. Crescent Cove will focus on helping address palliative care needs for these critically ill children, which includes helping them with the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs. BSM also focuses on helping young people grow in body, spirit, and mind,” Tift said.

It is not only this dedication to children that drew Tift to Crescent Cove, but his personal connection to this issue has had a huge effect on him and is the reason he gives so much of himself to this organization.

“Four years ago my great niece, Maryah Tift passed away after a long battle with bone cancer. I witnessed the pain and anguish she and her parents experienced for five years while she battled the disease with almost 70 rounds of chemo, and 100 rounds of radiation. Last year her dad Zach asked if I would consider helping Crescent Cove with their mission. I quickly realized that this was a mission I would love to support, and they invited me to lead their organization,” Tift said.

The goal of Crescent Cove is to continue helping other people whose stories are similar to Maryah’s through its new and unique efforts to offer care for children.

“Crescent Cove is creating conversations about an issue that many adults prefer not to think about or deal with, and offers a solution that is not being offered anywhere within 1000 miles of here,” Tift said.

Though Tift’s energy and spirit at BSM is missed, the work he does at Crescent Cove helps to realize an incredibly important goal for the Midwest.

As he continues his efforts, Tift asks something of the BSM students. “I find it difficult to comprehend how these parents are able to get through the challenges of dealing with a critically ill child. I would simply ask that you keep the families we serve in your prayers,” Tift said.