Freshmen participate in day retreat led by new teacher


Keara Clacko

Freshmen participate in a sing-a-long led by religion teacher Mr. Schmidt.

This past Friday, the freshmen class piled on to buses to attend the annual freshmen day retreat. This was the freshmen’s first retreat at BSM. It was also one of the first events for the new coordinator of re- treats, Mr. Stephen Schmidt.

Schmidt, a senior high Religion teacher, has been put in the position of the Peer and Campus Ministry Coordinator, replacing Mr. Mike Jeremiah. Jeremiah still works in the religion department, but he helps in a different capacity than he has in previous years.

During the retreat, Schmidt employed some of the same activities used at previous freshmen retreats, such as small group discussions led by senior peer ministers and large group games. He also included some new activities, like the huge class sing-a-longs. “Mr. Schmidt taught and sang familiar and new songs to us that I felt everyone could connect to,” freshman Ashley Ortizcazarin said.

Along with the games and sing-a-longs, Schmidt and the seniors led the freshmen in small and large group discussions. “I learned from the group leaders more about how important grades are freshman year. Also, Mr. Schmidt explained that when we make mistakes today, it doesn’t have to take a year to learn from them, but to act the next day,” Ortizcazarin said.

BSM students look forward to retreats all year, and this was the freshmen’s first impression of the importance of them. Seniors, juniors, and sophomores also partake in day retreats and weekend retreats once a year. “I’ve had a great experience with the retreats in the past, and I think they can be a great way to get to know the people in your grade,” senior Mark Falls said.

Although it was one of his first retreats at BSM, Schmidt planned an awesome event that allowed kids to think about their future at BSM and how everyday can be a new beginning.