School shares parking lot for Rosh Hashanah, students park off-site
Students shuttled to school from the Jewish Community Center on Thursday and Friday.
September 26, 2014
Students are shuttling to school on Thursday, September 25 and Friday, September 26, as the Beth El Synagogue celebrates Rosh Hashanah and will be utilizing both their lot and the BSM lot for parking. Students should allow 10-15 minutes of extra traveling time on these two mornings. Buses will shuttle from the Jewish Community Center.
Many students feel that it is worth the extra commute time to benefit our neighbors. “I’m happy to movefor them; it’s really generous of them to let us use the lot in the first place,” junior Anna Von Kampen said.
Shuttles start running at 7:15 a.m. and run every 10 minutes. After school shuttles will run 2:40-3:30 p.m. as long as more students keep coming. “Thanks for your cooperation with this – it means a lot to our neighbors,” senior high dean Mary Andersen said on the subject.