Profiling some of BSM’s most avid bloggers

photo courtesy of Andrew Birkeland

The Birkeland Sport Report covers everything in sports, ranging from college basketball preview to MLB playoffs.

Andrew Birkeland
Knight Errant: What is your blog about?
Andrew Birkeland: My blog, the Birkeland Sport Report, covers everything sports-related.
KE: How often do you blog?
AB: I try to blog whenever I have some free time, but I when my schedule is busy, I have to put it off a little.
KE: What is your favorite thing about blogging?
AB: I like blogging because it allows me to express my opinion, but also become a better writer.
KE: Why do you blog?
AB: I blog to expose people to the wonderful world of sports and it’s something not everyone can say they have.
KE: How would you describe your blog in 3 words?
AB: Simple, trendy, Art.
KE: How long have you had your blog for?
AB: I started the BS Report before sophomore year started.
KE: How did you start blogging?
AB: Just decided to do it one day (think of Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump, he just ran for no reason and ran).
KE: Is it a writing blog or a picture blog?
AB: It’s a writing blog, but I try to incorporate some “graphics” into the writing to give it more appeal.
KE: Is it public, or is it more of a personal blog?
AB: I share it on facebook and twitter and just hope someone reads it.

Katie Belanger
Knight Errant: What is your blog about?
Katie Belanger: My blog was about embracing the reality: the joy and the pain of becoming a new mama. I wrote about my son and our time together when I was home from work on maternity leave this past fall. I wrote about whatever was on my mind on any particular day- anything from sleep deprivation and the stress of managing my rambunctious dogs around my infant to the joy of holding my sleeping baby or hanging cloth diapers on the clothesline.
KE: How often do you blog?
KB: While on maternity leave, I would try to post every weekday, while my husband was at work. It was a way for him to know what we were up to at home, and a chance to gain some regularity to our days.
KE: What is your favorite thing about blogging?
KB: My favorite thing about blogging was documenting the ways my son was changing in his first few months of life. Every day, I felt like he was growing and noticing new things about the world around him – one day he discovered his hands, the next day he could grab his toes. I loved capturing these tiny moments.
KE: Why do you blog?
KB: I blogged because I didn’t want to forget that precious time at home. Babies change your life in so many ways, and one of the major ways our son changed my life was that I was so exhausted from sleep deprivation that I could barely remember to eat lunch. I wrote to remember the blurred days of new parenthood.
KE: How would you describe your blog in 3 words?
KB: My blog in three words: “new mama love”
KE: How long have you had your blog for?
KB: I started my blog when I had two months of maternity leave left, on September 4th, 2013.
KE: How did you start blogging?
KB: I started blogging by using a free template through WordPress.
KE: Is it a writing blog or a picture blog?
KB: It is mainly a writing blog, but I would occasionally post pictures of my son.
KE: Is it public, or is it more of a personal blog?
KB: It is more of a personal blog, in that I wrote it for myself, but it’s open for public viewing, and many of my friends and family would read it and comment on it. I enjoyed getting feedback from friends who remembered going through a lot of the same “new mama firsts.”

Jason Kang
Knight Errant: How often do you blog?
Jason Kang: 3 or 4 times a week.
KE: What is your favorite thing about blogging?
JK: It helps people learn how to cook something, can show other people my interest.
KE: Why do you blog?
JK: It’s fun and I get to keep track of what I do.
KE: How would you describe your blog in 3 words?
JK: Unparalleled, crafty and extensive.
KE: How long have you had your blog for?
JK: I’ve had it since freshman year.
KE: How did you start blogging?
JK: I started when I was looking at other peoples blogs for cooking because i cook a lot and i thought it would be cool to start my own.
KE: Is it a writing blog or a picture blog?
JK: I incorporate both but it’s mainly pictures.
KE: Is it public, or is it more of a personal blog?
JK: It’s public.

Megan Hamilton
Knight Errant: What is your blog about?
Megan Hamilton: It doesn’t really have a theme.
KE: How often do you blog?
MH: Almost everyday.
KE: What is your favorite thing about blogging?
MH: I get really creative ideas from blogging, like outfit ideas and art ideas.
KE: Why do you blog?
MH: I blog because its fun to create a website that describes me and not in such a public way.
KE: How would you describe your blog in 3 words?
MH: Umm, I don’t know.
KE: How long have you had your blog for?
MH: I’ve had my Tumblr since 8th grade.
KE: How did you start blogging?
MH: I created a Tumblr but didn’t really use it untill my friend showed me more about it.
KE: Is it a writing blog or a picture blog?
MH: My blog is mostly pictures but I post text on it occasionally.
KE: Is it public, or is it more of a personal blog?
MH: It’s definitely personal.