Many high schools around the metro area allow students to carry their backpacks during the school day; however, Benilde St. Margarets does not allow students to do so. Between forgetting supplies in their locker and having to return to their lockers between every class, students would rather have their backpacks with them to make their school day easier.
With the many materials students need for every class, lockers can get very unorganized. Allowing students to carry their backpacks would help them keep their materials organized and in one spot. This would also reduce stress because students would not need to scramble to get everything they need for class together and get to class on time. Having all their materials together helps students have a smoother transition between classes and allows students to focus more on learning. “Having everything in one place can make it easier to organize everything,” sophomore Tiffany Morara said.
Although students seem to believe there are only benefits to being able to carry their backpacks with them, teachers may disagree. Classrooms at BSM vary in size and some classrooms would become even smaller with added backpacks for every student. Additionally, some places in the hallways of BSM are crowded enough with students trying to get through them. If they have their backpacks with them, there will be less space, making it harder for students to get through the halls, and may even delay students getting to class on time. “The disadvantage is the space, some places in the halls or classrooms don’t have enough space for every student to have their backpack,” philosophy teacher Nathan Schlepp said.
On the other hand, teachers have mixed feelings about students carrying their backpacks with them. Students may be distracted with access to all their materials with them. It may tempt students to pull out personal belongings during class, leading to further distraction. However, students are also constantly forgetting things in their lockers and having to miss class time to go and get the materials they need for class. “Many of my students will be walking in and out of class, versus focusing in on class,” Schlepp said.
Allowing students to carry their backpacks with them throughout the day will also improve timeliness. With the amount of time given to students between classes, students have to rush back and forth between their locker and classes, which can be especially challenging for students who have classes on the opposite side of the school from their locker. By having their backpacks with them throughout the day, students could go straight to their next class without having to stop, making it easier for students to arrive at class on time. “It takes a lot of time to go to my locker in between every single class, and it would be more convenient if I could have my backpack on me,” sophomore Katie Driver said.