With spring in the air, students at Benilde-St. Margaret’s are looking forward to all the fun spring events like prom, the spring musical, and spring break. However, it feels as though something is missing: A talent show perhaps. Formerly, BSM has hosted a talent show, but it disappeared after COVID-19, leaving students wondering if it will ever return. Many students think bringing this event back would be a great idea.
Some students at BSM did not even know this was a past tradition at the school. The last one happened over Zoom, and only the class of 2025 briefly remembers it. “They used to have it when I was a freshman. I remember watching it in homeroom, I got to know some kids in older grades that I didn’t know could play the guitar or sing, and it was pretty cool,” senior Bridget Wickner said.
Having a talent show would give students a chance to show off their skills or hidden talents to the student body and express themselves in a unique way whether that’s through singing, dancing, or another variety of talent. It gives students a chance to showcase their interest and maybe interest other students in joining. “I would show up and support all the people. I think that would be a good idea,” junior Emma Matack said.
A talent show could also improve school spirit as many students feel that spring lacks fun events aside from the usual traditions. A talent show would add something new and exciting, giving students a moment worth waiting for as the school year comes to an end. “It would give people something to look forward to. it’s something that would add extra interest to a day at school,” freshman Luke Machalek said.
Even students who might not participate still think it would be fun. “There’s plenty of people that have interesting talents. I could [participate if] no one else supports. Talents make people, unique and you gotta celebrate what you’re good at,” sophomore John Blomer said.
Unlike sports or the spring musical, which only involve certain groups of students, a talent show is open to everyone. Whether someone is a singer, dancer magician, or has another hidden talent, they would have a chance to shine. “Everyone can show their own thing. It’s not just one specific thing, anyone can do anything. That’s why it’s a talent show,” Wickner said.
The return of the BSM talent show would allow students to express themselves, boost school spirit, and create lasting memories. With student support growing, bringing it back might be just what BSM needs to end the school year on a high note. This could be a perfect way to welcome spring and celebrate the talents of the student body.