On October 29th, the hit TV show Gossip Girl returned to Netflix after being gone for three years. The teen drama show has been a popular re-watch among teenagers since its return in October. The show was taken off Netflix to make room for other new shows; they decided to re-add it to create more views and popularity for the show.
As someone who has watched Gossip Girl in the past, I am thrilled that Netflix decided to re-add it. The show has six seasons with about twenty-five episodes per season. It is a perfect show to binge-watch because every episode has its own unique plot. There’s no better feeling than re-watching a good-quality show you’ve seen in the past.
The show is based on privileged teenagers who live in the Upper East Side of New York. An anonymous online user called Gossip Girl follows them in their everyday lives. Gossip Girl’s posts create lots of drama and scandal throughout the show. To find out who Gossip Girl is, you have to watch the entire show. Even though there are many episodes, each one leaves you on the edge of your seat, wondering what will happen next.
Netflix added Gossip Girl back at the right time of year. The show is perfect for watching during the fall and winter seasons. The majority of the show is based during those seasons, so I enjoy watching it around those times. The endless Christmas and Thanksgiving episodes are my favorite episodes to watch, and they always get me in the spirit during the holiday season.
When Netflix removed Gossip Girl from its platform, I felt very frustrated and annoyed. The show was removed on January 1, 2022, with very late notice. I had just begun watching the show in October 2021, so I had to watch at least two to three episodes a day to finish it, which was very irritating. I felt that I had to rush through the whole show, and I wasn’t enjoying it as much as I could have.
Now that the show is back on Netflix, I can rewatch it at a slower pace than before. From first watching the show three years ago today, I forgot a lot that has happened, so it’s almost like I’m able to watch a brand-new show. Netflix’s decision to re-add Gossip Girl creates many happy viewers because they can rewatch their favorite show. It also opens up the chance to gain more viewers for those who haven’t seen the show before. If you’re looking for a long show with drama and comedy, then this is a show for you.