The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Knight Errant

The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Knight Errant

The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Knight Errant

Behind the Scenes: Alumni Relations

Catie Scherer Brackin
BSM alumni are recognized for their athletic achievement at the BSM Athletic Hall of Fame Alumni event.

“Once a Red Knight, always a Red Knight,” is a motto many BSM alumni hold dear to their hearts. From the time a Red Knight first steps into the halls of BSM and throughout the rest of their life, each alumnus, whether a class of 2023 or a class of 1975 graduate, holds a special place in the BSM community. Nonetheless, many Red Knights are unaware of the true importance of maintaining relationships with alumni after they receive their diplomas.

BSM alumna Katie Brackin (‘99) is the director of Alumni Relations and Community Events, and her work plays a vital role in preserving the prosperity of the Red Knight community. Brackin focuses on coordinating events and fundraisers that keep alumni and other members of BSM engaged with the school, each focused on bringing alumni back to their Red Knight roots. “Keeping your alumni engaged helps create opportunities for them to reminisce about their time here and then feel a sense of nostalgia and maybe that would help them want to give back,” Brackin said.

These events include the well-known BSM Gala, which collects significant funding from parents and alumni at the school. Additionally, the Alumni Relations and Community Events department organizes another event called the Hall of Fame for Athletics event, in which the department brings former BSM athletes back and honors their athletic accomplishments during and after their time at BSM. And, similar to the Hall of Fame for Athletics, the department coordinates the Hall of Honor, in which the school recognizes and expresses gratitude to many alumni or other volunteers for their contributions to BSM after their time in the school.

If we don’t keep in touch with our past, there is no future.”

— Mike Jeremiah

Events such as these and the work of the Alumni Relations and Community Events department provide many benefits at a small Catholic school like BSM. Alumni can provide funding, admissions promotion, and opportunities for students to help the school continue to run smoothly. As a private school that does not receive money from the state, BSM relies on generous donations from alumni that help fund quality education and keep the tuition rates from increasing. “Keeping the alumni engaged provides an opportunity for fundraising for BSM and gives them a chance to give back[,] so that other kids can continue to have the blessings and successes that [Alumni] had at BSM,” Brackin said.

Additionally, alumni offer an informative opportunity to introduce students to the workforce and give them a taste of what life is like after BSM. BSM offers programs such as Explore, Partner, Interact, Connect program (EPIC), and RED Capstone, devoted to developing students for life after graduation. They rely on alumni mentors or volunteers who will share their experiences in the workforce and support students. “Alumni can provide opportunities for students to do a shadow day with them in their workplace or come back here and maybe teach a class on what it’s like to do their job,” Brackin said.

Campus Minister Mike Jeremiah, who has worked personally with many alumni, recognizes the great importance of the efforts of Brackin and the Alumni Relations and Community Events Department at BSM. From funding to networking to alumni volunteers, each Red Knight that comes back into these halls is essential in keeping the present and the future of BSM alive “If we don’t keep in touch with our past, there is no future,” Jeremiah said.


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