The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Knight Errant

The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Knight Errant

The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Knight Errant

Tips to Stay Motivated in the Spring

Anna Kelm
As the weather gets warmer, students’ motivation regarding schoolwork seems harder to come by.

Throughout the long and cold months of winter, I find it easier to stay focused because there aren’t many fun things to do. When the weather gets warm I can go outside for longer periods of time and I start to forget about the things I need to get done. Because of this, I’ve had to develop some methods of motivation so I can actually complete my homework.

The first way that I motivate myself is by sitting outside. Yes, it sounds like I could get easily distracted, but I try my best not to by reminding myself of the awards that await me. If I sit out on the deck, I am able to see everything fun that I get to enjoy once I am done working. I can see my cute puppy if he’s out, my family’s garden, pretty flowers, and some fun yard games. It works well because I just want to get my work done fast so I can go fool around.

Another technique I use to stay motivated and get stuff done is making plans outside at a certain time. I will sometimes contact my neighbor and set up a time to meet outside. I then grind for as much time as I have before I have to head out. That helps keep me on track because I know that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and I know I have a fun reward with a good friend later.

Setting a timer is the overall main thing I do to keep my motivation up. I will work for a certain amount of time and then take a break and do something that reminds me of summer for a little while. One example of a way I could do this is I work for 75 minutes, and then restock my family’s garage mini fridge full of drinks for about 15 minutes. It would give me such a fun taste of summer because when it’s hot outside I always love to grab a cold drink to quench my thirst.

My last resort is to bribe myself with snacks. It sounds silly but it works. Say I pour 20 chocolate chips into a bowl. I would then give myself five after every assignment as a fun treat for doing things. I will always hurry and do my work so I can indulge in my yummy food.

Everyone has different ways that they motivate themselves. It took me a lot of trial and error to finally discover some methods that work for me, so I can get my work done on time. Now that I have found good methods, I hope to continue to use them throughout the rest of my high school experience.

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