The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Knight Errant

The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Knight Errant

The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Knight Errant

How should BSM celebrate memorial day?

Courtesy of: U.S. Army Airborne + Special Operations Museum
Memorial Day is celebrated annually on the last Monday of May and is meant to honor the lives of the men and women lost in the US Military.

Memorial Day is celebrated annually on the last Monday of May. The purpose of the day is to honor the lives of the brave men and women who were lost serving in the United States Military. A sizable number of US service members die every single year, which makes the holiday crucial for the country to pay respects to those lost in service.

There are many different ways that students can celebrate the day and many possible approaches that students feel the school can take to celebrate the day as a community.

Some students are aware that death in the Military is prominent and that Memorial Day is important to celebrate, but not everyone knows the true meaning behind the day. This is the case for sophomore Abbie Kagel. “Tuesday after Memorial Day [the school should] educate people on Memorial Day,” Kagel said.

Freshman Joel Stevens has had a large sum of his family members serve in various branches of the United States Military. That opens his eyes more to the reality that Military Personnel make huge sacrifices for America. “I believe that BSM could help recognize the lives lost in service by setting up a system similar to the book of lost family and friends and possibly setting up an assembly around Memorial Day where veterans could come in and share their experiences,” Stevens said.

I believe that BSM could help recognize the lives lost in service by setting up a system similar to the book of lost family and friends and possibly setting up an assembly around Memorial Day where veterans could come in and share their experiences.”

— Joel Stevens

Other students think that the school doesn’t need to do any grand actions to celebrate but that even smaller gestures would make a difference. That is true for freshman Peter Streit. “[BSM could] give the ability for people to send in pictures of their family members [that have died during service] and have a little showcase in the hallways for kids to see as they pass by. I don’t think we necessarily need a huge parade type thing, but even just a place where people can remember them would be nice,” Streit said.

The students who want the school to have more festivities before leaving for the long weekend find ways to celebrate the federal holiday by themselves. “I personally celebrate Memorial Day by going up north to my grandparents’ and participating in the Memorial Day service put on by the Legion up there every year,” Stevens said.

It can be concluded that most students think that BSM should do something in remembrance of those who died in any of the branches of the Military. Also, many members of the student body celebrate this day with annual traditions that all mean something to them.

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