With Benilde-St. Margaret’s current senior class coming to the end of their high school career, there’s one more big event before they graduate, prom. Upperclassmen wait all year for this day and as the excitement grows, so does the stress. This year’s prom theme is Night in New York City, and as we wait to see how this all comes together let’s check in with the upperclassmen and hear their thoughts leading up to prom.
Preparing for this day can start way before many would think, especially for juniors, who’ve been anxiously waiting to attend. One of the biggest topics regarding prom preparation includes picking out a dress. Much of the chaos revolves around finding a dress that others won’t have and at the same time choosing one that you like. “I picked out my dress last year when I saw one that my friend was wearing. I hadn’t seen it before and it seemed like the perfect dress and I just loved everything about it,” junior Addie Morris said.
Some people have been very on top of shopping and preparing for this day, while others have been procrastinating causing more stress as it all piles up. “I have yet to pick out my dress which is stressing me out a bit. I’ve been looking but nothing has really popped out to me yet,” junior Elie Hancock said.
As prom is rolling right around the corner, talk about what themes everyone is going to see seems to be a popular topic of conversation. Will people choose to go with a more simple dress with darker more neutral colors, or are the majority of people going to go with more flashy and bright-colored dresses? As more and more people begin shopping for the perfect dress, the debate begins on whether or not to go strapless. “I think this year we are going to see a lot of simple strapless dresses that are pretty bland in color. I chose my dress and I decided on something more plain but a color that I really like,” senior Sienna Duffy said.
Each year a new theme is chosen for prom, and with this year’s theme being Night in New York City students are curious to see if people will dress accordingly. In the past, the themes have been overlooked as students pick out their dresses depending on the image they have in mind. While most of the time students will ignore the theme as a whole. “I don’t think that students will be dressing up to go along with the theme because most of the time everyone just does what they want. And no, I did not personally choose my dress to fit in with Night in New York City,” junior Eva Rahn said.
While most students who talk about their opinion on prom seem to be girls, some boys have also been sharing their thoughts. Given that, it has been common to hear students mention that prom themes aren’t necessary. “I think that people have gotten creative with the prom themes, but students tend to not follow them,” senior Mason McElroy said.