There are many substitute teachers who roam the halls of Benilde-St. Margaret’s, filling in for teachers when they are gone. Out of all of these substitute teachers, Larry Grace is one of the most well-known substitute teachers at BSM, and he has substituted for almost every teacher at least once.
Grace usually arrives at the school between 7:30 and 7:40 am, similar to the time that many teachers arrive at school. The first thing he does is head to the library where the substitute coordinator for both the Junior High and Senior High, Ron Horn, usually is. “I see Mr. [Horn] to find my schedule for the day and what I’ll be doing,” Grace said.
Grace is part of the BSM faculty and has to be present at BSM every day regardless of how many teachers may need substitutes. Grace’s official role is the “full-time building sub” and is there just in case any teacher has to leave for some reason. “I’ll sub for anyone who needs me during the day—that’s what I’m here for,” Grace said.
Throughout the day, Grace follows the schedule he is given. He sometimes substitutes for the same teacher daily and moves between different classrooms. “It depends on how many teachers are gone that day. For example, if there’s a lot of teachers gone and there are not many subs in the building, I may fill in for another teacher during an open period if the teacher I’m [substituting for] has one,” Grace said.
Grace follows the same schedule as all of the other teachers and has lunch during the 5th or 6th-hour class he’s substituting for. His lunch depends on the class he’s teaching, just like everyone else in the building. “I usually bring my own lunch instead of buying lunch here,” Grace said.
After lunch, Grace goes to his last class for the day. He is at BSM until the end of the school day—2:30 pm. This is a little bit different from the other teachers at BSM, who often have to stay until 3:00 pm.