In a groundbreaking scientific discovery that will undoubtedly change the course of history, researchers have finally unveiled the complex layers of the perplexing ‘Girl Math.’ For centuries, philosophers, scholars, and men (specifically but not limited to teenage boys) have puzzled over the elaborate calculations, but now it appears we may be one step closer to deciphering the secrets behind this mathematical phenomenon.
For my readers who don’t know what girl math is, let me fill you in. Girl Math is an invented set of rules that are used to justify things (usually spending money.) Let’s dive into some examples. Example one: If I pay with cash, it’s free. I am not going to elaborate, because you either understand this concept or you don’t. Example two: If I don’t spend money today, I can spend double what I normally would tomorrow. This also applies to food: If I have a salad today, and I have McDonald’s tomorrow, it cancels out. While this logic makes sense to me and many other girls, men continue to mull over the complexity it brings.
In an effort to establish that the application of Girl Math is not unique to myself, I sat down with senior Raegan Conaty to gain insight into her thoughts on the subject. Her favorite formula of Girl Math, like many, has to do with money. “If I buy something expensive, say something is 70 dollars and I wear it more than 7 times, then I’m only paying for $10 every time I wear it. Therefore, it is only $10,” Conaty said.
If you still don’t understand, let me give you a few more examples. Example one: If I am wearing a super cute outfit, but I don’t take a picture in it and/or not a lot of people see me wearing it, I never really wore the outfit. This would mean I can wear it again within the next week without being labeled an ‘outfit repeater.’ Example two: If I am online shopping, I will purchase more, in order to get free shipping. If I am nine dollars away from no postal charges, I might as well just add something else to my cart. If I don’t do this, I view it as losing money.
Whatever your view on Girl Math may be, it’s important to remember to take things with a grain of salt. If you’re still skeptical about the validity of Girl Math, give it a try; you may like it!