Brock Faber Deserves a Higher Contract


Brock Faber deserves a higher contract.

Brock Faber played college hockey for three years then made his National Hockey League debut on April 10th, 2023 after losing in the Frozen Four Championship (College Hockey Championship). He signed a three year contract to play pro hockey with the Minnesota Wild.

Faber should’ve stayed in college for four years instead of three years then gone to the NHL so he could’ve gotten better and had more of a college experience playing hockey. It’s nice to go to the NHL after your junior year in college, but it would also be nice playing college for all four years then playing in the NHL. Also if he got a career ending injury early in his career in the NHL then he would still have a degree, and wouldn’t have to go back to college to get it.

I think he is going to do very well in the NHL for the next couple of seasons since he did very well in college with a lot of assists and a decent amount of goals. Faber also got a lot of achievements just from his junior year in college for playing hockey and doing great in school. He earned a good amount of achievements his sophomore and freshman year but he improved a lot his junior year. Faber is going to fit in the NHL really well for the next three years since he’s a good player on and off the ice and a lot of people are going to like him being in the league.

I think Faber should get paid more than what he’s getting because 2.77 million dollars isn’t a lot of money in the NHL for a three year contract. A lot of other players with three year contracts usually get more money than 2.77 million dollars. Even though he plays defense,he should be paid more money than that. Most defenseman contracts are at least 3.25 million dollars which gets them paid a good amount of money each season they play.

I feel like the Wild are going to give Faber another contract after his contract is over because he has three years and is going to show the skill he has for a higher contract. He is going to get a lot of money in the future and I feel like if the Wild give him more money, then they would be a great team.