Senior Girls Create Custom BSM Sweatsuits
Beth Heymans (left), Izzy Garvin (middle), and Samantha Steensland (right) show off their senior sweatsuits.
Senior girls are coming together with their own customized sweatsuits this year. Many of them seemed ecstatic about these as the school year began. Matching sweatsuits are very on trend as a chic but comfortable look. With a matching colored sweatsuit, everyone is still able to be comfortable while also looking put together.
With this new tradition, senior girls are excited to flaunt their new apparel in the hallways. The designers of the apparel, seniors Avery Hawkinson and Beth Heymans, went through about four designs before they finally decided on one. The apparel will display the kind of style of our era. They will display the class graduating year as well as “SENIORS” on the hoodie in a bold plaid print.
Shana Hawkinson, Avery Hawkinson’s mother, works in apparel and helped to create a website for senior girls to order from. The options are a hoodie and two different styles of sweatpants: joggers and an open-bottom option. The hoodie costs $50.00 and the sweatpants $40. “Although the price may seem a little hefty, the price for a normal sweatsuit combined that people would buy on their own totals to over $100,” Heymans said.
Heymans discussed the design process of the sweatsuits.“It didn’t cost anything to make because Avery’s mom helped design it and does apparel,” Heymans said.
As this starts, the girls hope to inspire younger classes in making this a tradition for future classes. “The idea came to mind when we saw other local schools as well as schools from other states via TikTok making these sweatsuits for their classes and we wanted to make our own version,” Heymans said.
Similar to the senior overalls, the girls are placing dates on the calendar when they will wear the apparel to school altogether. The vision is to unite senior girls and to make the most out of the last year of high school.“I think making memories such as senior sweatsuits is a very important facet of senior year because it helps the class make their last year of high school as memorable as possible,” Heymans said.