BSM Students Enjoy Outside Lunch

Emma Hoen

BSM Students enjoy their food outside during the last lunch of the day.

With the newly found summer-like weather, the BSM administration team decided to resume the option to eat lunch outside.

While some students prefer to eat lunch inside, the students who like to indulge in the outdoors can be seen at red tables or on the bleachers near the baseball field. “I love all the time outside, it’s such a fun way to get some fresh air and be social with our friends,” senior Emma Proulx said.

Due to COVID precautions and weather issues, outside eating was temporarily shut down but with a change of temperature and a drop in COVID cases, they reopened the option for the last couple of weeks of the school year. “I think it’s really important for students to get fresh air, get outside, and enjoy the nice Minnesota weather whenever we have it,” Assistant Principal Cami Dahlstrom said.

Administrators also found the outdoor seating option to be a great way to give the students a break from being on their laptops and cooped up inside all day. Fellow students find the reopening to be very helpful for giving their minds a rest and admire the beauty in nature and all that it provides.. “I really like it because it’s nice to take a break outside after being inside all day,” Dascia Ferris said.

In hopes of maintaining a positive feature towards the school, the administration team is hoping to increase the number of students able to be outside during the day. They believe lunch outside is a great way for students and faculty to get vitamin D and relax from the stress of life. “We purchased the tables out here to expand places for kids to sit and we’re hoping to double those for next year,” Dahlstrom said.

Majority of students during each lunch period can be seen outside with their friends and fellow classmates, soaking up some sunshine and fresh air. It can clearly be seen that most people find the cool breeze refreshing and calming and also adds a touch of nostalgia to their early years. “I think it’s a great way for people to get outside and enjoy the outdoors,” Graham Imholte said.