The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Day 4

April 5, 2022

The next morning, we packed our suitcases and headed off on the coach bus to Florence. After a three hour bus ride, we arrived in Florence around lunch time. We quickly checked into our hotel and were given some free time to explore Florence and grab a quick lunch before our guided tour around Florence. After a quick lunch and gelato (of course), we met up with a new tour guide to do a walking tour around Florence. The main stops of the tour included the Duomo, Santa Croce, Ponte Vecchio, Piazza della Signoria, and Galleria Uffizi. After briefly seeing the city through a walking tour, we were given some free time to explore on our own for a bit before dinner. Two friends and I ended up resting for a little along the Arno River at Ponte Vecchio watching the sunset––this was definitely another highlight of the trip for me, it just felt really surreal in the moment and looking back now. That night, we headed as a whole group to an Italian cooking school, where we prepared spaghetti with tomato sauce, meatloaf and panna cotta all by ourselves (well with marginal help from Italian culinary professionals). The meal was tasty, but there isn’t much room for catastrophic error in those dishes. More than tasty, it was just a super fun experience spending time with my classmates in a way we’ve never interacted before.

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