BSM Weight Room gets a transformative facelift this year


Cam Gelling

BSM adds new equipment for students to use

Weight rooms are crucial for athletes to improve their strength, flexibility, speed, endurance and balance. BSM offers a weight room for anyone that attends the school. I spoke to a few people that work out at BSM and that use the weight room often.

The benefits of a school weight room is much more than just for the better of athletes in sports. Working out can help people physically and mentally. The gym can improve a person’s mental health and mood to help become more relaxed. The gym physically strengthens muscles and bones allowing you to live longer. “I like going to the gym because it helps me with my stress. Working out also helps me to become a better football player and also look better,” Slater said.

In the past year, BSM bought new equipment for the weight room. The new and improved weight room includes brand new poweracks, bench presses and dumbbells. The old weights had been in the weight room for years. Senior Max Benning talked about the new weight room compared to the weight room in the past. “The weight room is definitely improved compared to the old equipment and much cleaner, but it still needs a lot of work and more gym equipment,” Benning said.

The BSM weight room offers enough equipment to get a workout in, but some students aren’t satisfied. In the past couple years, BSM has added a new atrium and the cube for students and teachers. “I don’t like how the school spends tons of money on the atrium and cube, but refuses to improve our small weight room because I think it is an extremely poor representation of the school. We need to have a better weight room which can play the role of our sport teams, ” Dokman said.

Compared to other high schools, the weight room that BSM offers is much smaller. The cost of weight rooms can cost over $100,000. Many teams at BSM find it very crammed and tight in the weight room. It is difficult for teams to fit in the weight room, especially bigger teams such as the football team. “They need to make the weight room bigger, so we are able to let more than 10 kids be able to workout in there at a time as well as add more equipment to let more people be able to workout,” Dokman said.