The Future of BSM

This fall, the Knight Errant is scheduled to release a series of stories exploring areas of BSM that have undergone significant changes in recent years or that are considering such changes in the near future. These stories are united by one central question: What do staff and students have to say about recent changes to BSM, and how do they envision BSM in the future? What is the ideal BSM?

Addressing subjects such as scheduling, technology, social justice, engineering, and collaborative learning spaces (with potential to expand), these stories seek to understand BSM’s current direction and offer community visions on where BSM could go in the future.

This collection of stories does not aim to provide a definitive prescription for BSM. Rather, it seeks to explore different perspectives and possibilities in key areas that could be improved. Ultimately, the goal of this series is to detail the community students, faculty, and staff want at BSM, the one BSM has the potential to become.