BSM’s new program that rewards positive behavior

Brook Wenande

Ms. Dahlstrom and Mr. Weingartz: the creators of Red Knight Recognition!

“Red Knight Recognition” is a new program designed to recognize Red Knights performing acts of outstanding behavior. The opposite of negative referral forms, this new program acts as a way to focus less on the negative aspects of BSM and more on the positives.

Because so many Red Knights perform good deeds throughout the hallways of BSM, it was decided that it was time to recognize these Red Knights. The spotlight is often shown on the negative actions performed by students, so the Red Knight Recognition program’s main goal is to focus on the positive things in the community and take less focus off the negatives. “We always try to focus on the negative…that’s what we all think about. So it’s a way to be able to acknowledge all the great things that Red Knights are doing,” Assistant Principal Matt Weingartz said.

There are many actions that Red Knights show that are worthy of applause, and are exemplary of actions that would receive a positive referral. Senior Emerson Foley helped hand out homecoming T-shirts during his lunch even though he didn’t sign up to. “He gave up his lunch break to come and help out, out of the goodness of his heart,” Weingartz said.

The BSM staff has a dream for the program: that it keeps growing and growing and gains more and more referrals. When starting a new program, the goal is to be able to continue the program for a long time after, and the BSM staff wants the Red Knight Recognition program to keep gaining more positive referrals. “I think that’s the goal…to grow it,” Weingartz said.