The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Maine Coast Semester

Maine Coast Semester at Chewonki

Number of Students: 42
Student-Teacher Ratio: 3:1
Grade Levels: Junior
Focus / Specialty: Science, Sustainability, Farm
Advanced Placement / Honors Courses: Yes
Location: Wiscasset, Maine

“The Maine Coast Semester is located on Chewonki Neck in midcoast Maine, a private 400-acre peninsula that includes rocky intertidal zones, boreal forests, freshwater ponds, and a horse-powered organic farm. It combines challenging academic coursework with hands-on practice in nature so that students learn how to live sustainably, and discover how they can help bring out the best in communities near and far. During a Maine Coast Semester, students not only learn about sustainability, they live it every day. Students leave with new skills, confidence, and purpose—and the knowledge that they can make a difference.”

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