Hampton Weber and Alex Bronkala hatch a website for small businesses

Brady Wine

Seniors Alex Bronkala and Hampton Weber are developing a new website dedicated to helping young entrepreneurs start their businesses.

Two seniors at BSM, Hampton Weber and Alex Bronkala have teamed up to create a website designed to help high school and college entrepreneurial students build and manage small businesses through their platform.

Weber and Bronkala, two entrepreneurial students themselves, noticed many younger people may have good ideas for businesses but are left at crossroads with no answers once they start. For their RED Project, the duo set out to fix this issue with a handy website. “Students who have the intention of starting a business but don’t have the tools to do it can get help on our website and simplify what is usually a complicated process,” Weber said.

Hatch, the website name, was originally aided by a college-student developer however he got too busy. Weber and Bronkala decided to take complete control of the operation of designing their website, and are currently working toward finishing their prototype website. “We will hopefully pitch to some upper-level business students or administrators,” Weber said.

Starting in September at the beginning of the 2020 school year, Weber and Bronkala hope to achieve some of their early-stage goals by the end of this semester, but this is only the beginning for their startup website. “Ideally, we want our website to be all set up by the end of the year,” Weber said.

The idea for this website stemmed from conversations with peers that had aspirations of starting a business but didn’t have the resources, information, or contacts to get their project off the ground. Starting a business themselves was the perfect opportunity for Bronkala and Weber, as they shared similar interests in this field. “Alex and I are both very business-minded and both of us share similar passions into starting a business,” Weber said.

The website is being built online by Bronkala and Weber on a service called Hostgator; However, they are designing through WordPress because it gives them the ability to fully design their prototype website. “We’re looking to hire other developers, maybe other students at our school who would be interested in helping us continue our project,” Bronkala said.