Jacinda Smith
Knight Errant: What’s your tattoo?
Jacinda Smith: A semicolon on my wrist and my mom’s birthday on my forearm.
KE: When and where did you get your tattoo?
JS: It was in Orlando and Fort Myers, when I was 16 and 17.
KE: Why did you choose the design you did?
JS: I got a semicolon- for mental health awareness and did it on my wrist as a reminder. The second one is my mom’s birthday, so one day maybe I’ll remember it.
KE: Did it hurt? How did you feel getting it, were you nervous?
JS: I cried because it hurt on the bone.
KE: Have you always wanted a tattoo? Is it something you thought about for a while or kind of a rash decision?
JS: I’ve always wanted one, but in the moment, it was an impulse decision.
KE: Do you think you’ll regret this?
JS: At first I kind of regretted it, but now I like it.