Block days should happen every day
Block days are a unique part of our schedule, and Flint Frohman thinks it would be even more beneficial to have them every day.
December 6, 2019
I’ve always been a major proponent for block days; in fact, I like them so much that I think we should have block days every day of the week.
One of my primary reasons for this opinion is that block days greatly reduce the nightly homework load and allow students to have more autonomy over how they budget their time. The way block days are currently organized, with half of the classes on one day and the other half on the other, students to have two days to accomplish their work instead of one. Now if block days were expanded to be on every day of the week, students would have the same classes every other day of the week. This means that during the week they would have two days to complete all of the work assigned, which, in theory, would decrease the workload.
However, teachers would probably need to assign more work a night or rework the type of homework students do. Despite that, having block days every day would be beneficial for students because they would have more control over how they budget theur time. This would be a good thing because students would learn how to better use their time, which is a very important life skill, and it would probably help them be less stressed out on the whole.
A solid argument against having block days every day is that block periods can be very boring and having them every day could lead to a decrease in focus among students. However, this negative is greatly outweighed by the benefit of having block days every day. This is because block days allow for longer, more in-depth lessons, as well as more work time for students in class further lessening potential homework load.
A more minor benefit of having block days every day is that the daily schedule would be simpler for new students. I feel that block days benefit everyone by making the week more efficient and making things less stressful for students, so much so that we should have them every day of the week.