The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

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After graduating BSM, senior Sydney Johnson will be continuing her education at the University of Minnesota. She plans to study finance and accounting through the Carlson School of Business.

Val: Sydney Johnson

Sydney Johnson, a  BSM senior, will be graduating with a 4.0 GPA. This task is definitely challenging, and requires a tremendous amount of dedication to schoolwork.

Johnson was not only able to achieve this GPA but achieved it through taking rigorous classes––her most challenging one being AP Calculus BC. Her favorite classes included difficulty as well. “My favorite class was either AP Comp or Honors Chem because I thought they were challenging but still interesting,” Johnson said.

The task of getting this honor is not easy, and demands a lot of commitment to school work. “I think a lot of it comes from time management, putting enough effort in, not stressing yourself, and being confident that you will do well” Johnson said.

Like most students at BSM, Johnson deals with the tricky situation of balancing both school and extracurriculars. She participates in Math League, BPA, NHS, RKVC, and has a job, but she puts her school work first before any of these. “Basically, I’ll have my school schedule, and then try to work other things around that,” Johnson said.

While becoming valedictorian was challenging, Johnson has tips for those students who want to gain this level of success. The keys to achieve this include paying attention in class, not slacking off, and simply doing the necessary work.

After graduating BSM, Johnson will be continuing her education at the University of Minnesota. She plans to study finance and accounting through the Carlson School of Business.

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