Behind the scenes, managers help run BSM sports

Tom Morris temorris@temophoto

Varsity boys’ hockey manager goes above and beyond what a manager is called to do.

Frannie Scherer, Staff Writer

Behind the scenes of BSM’s various sports teams and clubs are the team managers, the secretive glue that holds teams together. Although they do not hold the spotlight all the time, managers are the backbone of each and every sports team and are a crucial part to a teams success. Whether it’s grabbing water bottles during a game, to filming practice so players can rewatch their plays, managers are the silent strength behind successful teams.

Managers often help coaches out by being an extra pair of eyes, or by doing the stats for games. However, the job of a manager is more than just the technicalities. “I do the normal things getting like water and getting pucks, but I also am like an extra coach at times,” senior and boys’ hockey manager Em Paquette said.

Some managers like to help with the vibe of the team rather than focus on only taking stats. Firing teammates up for games, or helping prepare them for practice makes managers a welcomed accessory to a team. “I have a routine every game day that follows tradition of past managers: I pass out their warm-up pinnies during the stretching circle, I high five the girls, I play the warm-up music (that I created myself, not to flex), my personal favorite I kick balls to them during 3v2 warmups,” senior and girls’ soccer manager Jane Hoyt said.

Among BSM’s many athletic teams reside the non-athletic activities, such as a capella. Although this club does not require the stats like soccer or hockey, managers are still used to create an environment of fun and success. There are multiple roles for a capella managers to fill, so two were chosen to help out. “My nickname is ‘ACA-MamA.’ I provide food and drink for my “aca-babies” before their performances and run the social media accounts for a capella,” senior and a capella manager Lauren Chevalier said.

From the technical aspect, a capella utilizes a manager that is well-versed in technology. “I run sound/microphones for their performances when needed,” senior and a capella manager, Brad Shibley said.

BSM’s many managers are what makes our athletic and club seasons run so smoothly. Not only do they help out coaches or team leaders, but they also bring a fun aspect of community that really connects a team.  “I love being apart of the team chemistry and being included in the team bonding and fun parts of girls’ soccer (team trips, dinners, traditions, and bus rides),” Hoyt said.