Tea is the best drink. Ask Britain. It’s so important to them that they taxed us for it. That’s commitment. It comes both caffeinated and non-caffeinated, hot and cold, and it has a variety of flavors; there’s oolong, green, black, yellow, fermented (like kombucha, which is super great, just don’t smell it), and herbal flavors. It’s like water, but with a better taste! Coffee may be the most popular breakfast beverage in the U.S., but tea dominates the Eastern hemisphere, and it is one of the healthiest beverages. It can help reduce the risk of a heart attack, boosts endurance, and has great antioxidants. Also, it’s incredibly calming and soothing to drink after a long day. Drink tea, you won’t regret it, and maybe with our new love of tea, Europe will have a better opinion of us.