Fabulous Fourteen represents the class of 2018
For the past 17 years, the Knight Errant has published an end of the year “senior issue” of the paper, when we publish the Tremendous Twelve. However, it doesn’t always include an explanation of what Tremendous Twelve means. This explanation is even more pertinent this year because we have chosen a group of the “Fabulous Fourteen.”
The Fabulous Fourteen list is not meant to contain of all tremendous seniors in the grade.The list is meant give special credit to those seniors who have been underreported and to show a complete cross section of many different types of students. We’re excited to showcase those who are talented students, athletes, artists, and all those in between. We also hope to celebrate the diversity in our school in every way.
Each of the seniors picked this year are kind, talented, and, for lack of a better word, fabulous. They are just a portion of the students in the class of 2018 who have and will continue to do momentous things in their lives.
To choose these students, all senior Knight Errant editors meet. The conversation starts out with several ground rules being set, the most important of which being that when picking the fourteen, there can only be positive comments regarding why someone should be included, nothing about why someone should not be included.
To make the actual list, each editor receives the names of each person in the senior class. We go through the list and mark who we believe deserves the title “fabulous.” We compile our lists and explain our choices. Then, we vote to narrow down the list according to which nominee receives the most votes. This year, the process continued until the list contained 14 seniors. Then, the final list was voted on and received a unanimous vote to be published.
The tradition is wonderful for all involved. It reminds us what makes our grade truly unique and how many amazing people call BSM home. We believe it’s important for KE to celebrate our students and hope that the tradition continues.