Be honest with New Year’s resolutions

Resolutions are supposed to make you feel good about yourself, but most people end up disappointing themselves because they can’t go through with it.


Anthony Quintano, via flickr, Creative Commons

A new year also brings new opportunities to bring change.

Every year, millions of people make New Year’s Resolutions. Whether it’s the stereotypical resolution to lose weight or just a vow to make better decisions, most will fail. So instead of coping with starting the new year with a failed resolution, I think we can all make a resolution together: let’s be honest with ourselves.

If you truly have a goal for this upcoming year, go for it! If you are making a resolution just because this year wasn’t that great and you want control, let’s not start off the year with a failed commitment. Resolutions are supposed to make you feel good about yourself, but most people end up disappointing themselves because they can’t go through with it.


Do you stick to your resolutions?


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Just think about how realistic your resolution is before making an absolute decision. Ask yourself: Will I actually follow through with this? Will I be okay if I start off the year by breaking a vow to myself? If your answer is yes, put yourself out there! If you can’t stand failing at one more thing in your life, maybe hold off on a shaky resolution.

In being honest with ourselves before making a resolution, we are more likely to be successful. The whole point of a New Year’s Resolution is to better ourselves. This process begins before the clock strikes twelve when evaluating how we want to change for the better.

And although we all love to start resolutions on January 1, the truth is, we have all year to start becoming who we truly want to be. New Year’s Resolutions aren’t for everybody. If you can pull through on a year long resolution, don’t let anything stand in your way. If it isn’t for you, own up to it because it’s okay! Just be honest with yourself.