BSM boys’ swim hopes to find success individually and as a team

Although the team lost many key swimmers, there is a lot of talent ready to step up and lead the team to success.

Morgan Williams

Junior Matt McGonigle swims the 500 freestyle at Sections.

Winter has arrived, which means, once again, it is time to “pack the pool”. With many returning swimmers and new talent, the BSM boys’ swim team has high hopes for this upcoming season.

Senior captain Michael Hunter has many personal goals for this season. “I want to go to State in all four of my events. I’m hoping to do the 50 freestyle and the 100 freestyle, but I would really be fine with whatever our coach wants me to do,” Hunter said.

Hunter has been training rigorously to continue to improve his times, and he is excited to see how it will pay off. “I’m not going to put a limit on my success this year, but I have high hopes because I have put in a lot of work this offseason. However, for now, I’m just focused on working hard everyday and being a good teammate,” Hunter said.

Senior captain Lorenzo Cerda also has many personal goals.  “I want to break 55.0 [seconds] in the 100-yard freestyle, and probably try some fly as well,” Cerda said.

Hunter and Cerda also discussed their team goals. “In Sections it would be cool to go top two and get a plaque,” Hunter said.

He also wants to make sure the team improves and that everyone reaches their own goals. “It is important that we have a good team bond and have fun, and I just want to see everyone get better,” Hunter said.

Cerda had one direct team goal. “We need to get as many guys as we can to State,” Cerda said.

Unfortunately for the team, they lost star swimmer and State champion Tyler Metz, as he just graduated in 2017. Although they lost a highly talented senior class last year, Hunter and Cerda see young talent that could really help the team, especially in junior Matthew McGonigle.

McGonigle shines in his races of the 500-yard and 200-yard freestyle events. He placed 6th in 500 and 22nd in 200 at State as a sophomore.

Overall, the team aims for large successes this season. They will attempt to not only grow as individuals, and swim personal bests, but they also wish to succeed as a team, and place well at Sections and State.