Kahoot’s classic format has become a staple of BSM review days, but the up and coming Quizlet Live has proved a fierce competitor.
Kahoot’s classic format has become a staple of BSM review days, but the up and coming Quizlet Live has proved a fierce competitor.

Kahoot vs Quizlet Live: Showdown

Everyone loves review games that can lighten a classroom as they prepare for a test. Kahoot and Quizlet Live have become two favorites among BSM students.

March 6, 2017

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Kahoot: 9/10

Kahoot is an “every man for himself” game—each person is in control of how they do. This can make the pressure a little easier. You’re not letting down a group of people but only yourself. It also lets a student study because it gives them a perspective of what they personally know, not what their teammates know.

Quizlet Live: 6/10

Quizlet Live evenly distributes the number of students into teams. The teams are given the name of an animal. The animal does nothing except provide a team name. The animal is also why Quizlet Live got a six rather than a four. Teams make many anti-social students nervous and any person who doesn’t know the material insecure. You have the pressure of letting down your entire team and when there’s a prize, everything becomes very intense.


Kahoot: 6/10

Kahoot uses the projector and the students’ laptops. The students log in and the projector shows a question and four possible answers. The student then has to match the correct answer to the correct color and shape on their own laptop. This can make it confusing if you can’t see the answer on your own screen because it’s just a shape and a color. While this can be seen as a flaw, it’s an insignificant factor in the game and most people don’t even notice it with all the bright colors. These same bright colors mark each answer so one could easily glance at a neighbor and see their choice if they weren’t quite sure.

Quizlet Live: 9/10

Quizlet Live also uses the projector and the students’ laptops. The students again log in and this time they are broken into randomized teams. Students can see the question and four possible answers on their screen. The projector shows the different teams’ progress so you can see how you stack up to the competition. The winning team is determined by the fastest group to finish a set number of questions, which allows for extra competition and it makes everyone a little more involved in the game. Quizlet Live also gives different teams different questions, so it’s harder to overhear what one team is saying. This insures the answers are your own and lets students know what they themselves know rather than a neighboring group.


Kahoot: 6/10

Kahoot has a robotic beat that repeats over and over as you play the game. Students are torn into two perspectives. To some, it prepares them for a game of intense competition, but to others it just becomes repetitive and annoying. The music resembles a less annoying version of Wii Music.

Quizlet Live: 2/10

Quizlet Live doesn’t have any music that goes along with the game, but because it’s a team game, there is a lot of conversation that can generally take the place of music. If you really need something to listen to, you are always free to turn up your own jams if your teacher allows it. Turn up those Christian Rock songs, and you’re in the clear.

Winner: Kahoot!

Both Kahoot and Quizlet Live are helpful games and can provide a needed study session in class. Kahoot ranks a little higher overall purely because students are on their own. This means students are testing their knowledge rather than relying on others to get the right answer. When comparing the two games head to head, Kahoot clearly offers a better alternative for studying rather than its counterpart Quizlet Live.

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