The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Unsung hero: Marilyn Turbett

Ashley Ortizcazarin

This is Turbett’s third year at BSM as a copy center specialist.

Kayla Grendahl

When thinking about unsung heroes at BSM, many members of our staff fit this profile. Benilde-St. Margaret’s has a surplus of people working behind the scenes to keep everything running smoothly. Marilyn Turbett is one of those hard workers who does her job without enough recognition.

Turbett works in the copy center and has a variety of day-to-day tasks including copying tests, practice sheets, and worksheets, but she also works on a few big projects throughout the year. One example would be her current project for Mr. McMerty-Brummer: laminating and putting together books for kindergarten, first, and second-grade students at Risen Christ School. “I do all of the copying for the teachers, I do the binding books, spiral binding for all the junior highers going on the D.C. Trip, and laminating any of the big posters or sheets,” said Turbett.

This is her third year working at BSM and as a copy specialist, but this wasn’t always Turbett’s profession. “The job I had before was very stressful, and I was out of work for about a month and a half. I saw this job online and I went, ‘this is perfect. And a Catholic school—perfect.’ Because I grew up Catholic, it was just like coming back home, but in an adult world,” she said. Thankfully, BSM is only 15 minutes away from her house, and indeed a perfect fit.

Explaining her favorite part of this job, Turbett highlighted the community feel of BSM. “[My favorite part is] all of the people. There’s isn’t anyone I don’t like. I have never had a day where I go, ‘Oh my gosh, I have to go to work.’ I love coming here,” said Turbett, tearing up.

 Although she’s secluded to the copy center, her hard work and positive attitude touch every part of the school. Even the slightest encounter with this unsung hero will definitely put a smile on anyone’s face. “People pass by the copy center, and they go, ‘Oh sorry! I’m passing through,’ and I say, ‘No! I get to say hi to you, it’s perfect.’ Hopefully, I put a smile on their faces because they put a smile on mine,” said Turbett.

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