Mark Racchini third-wheels yet again on senior couple Gracey Scott and Carston Swenson.
Carston Swenson and Gracey Scott
Knight Errant: How long have you been dating?
Gracey Scott: Almost two months.
KE: How did you meet?
Carston Swenson: Gosh how did we meet?
GS: We had AP Gov together then nonfiction writing. Our first conversation snap was about how much Maria Satre knew about Harry Potter.
CS: I snapped her first.
KE: What’s your favorite thing about each other?
GS: His political ideologies, and he won the State championship.
CS: Political ideologies.
KE: What celebrity couple are you most like?
GS: Dwight and Angela from “The Office.”
KE: What animal describes your relationship?
CS: A gorilla or a seahorse.
GS: Let’s go with a seahorse. No, a donkey.
KE: What is the main thing you fight over?
CS: She gets in really sassy moods.
GS: He always makes fun of me.
KE: What is your restaurant of choice for a date?
CS: Punch Pizza.
KE: What was worst date?
GS: One time my car broke down in the middle of a parking lot, and we had to wait until 11:30.
KE: What do your parents think of your S.O.?
CS: They like her a lot.
GS: My mom and my sisters love him.
KE: Who settled in this relationship?
GS: I think that all of BSM knows who settled.
CS: Me.
KE: Do you think your S.O. is the “one”?
CS: This is a big question. Um. This is deep. The one? We’ve only been dating. There’s more to learn.
KE: Who third-wheels your relationship the most?
GS: Mark Racchini.
CS: I got to agree. Mark.